Monday 7 November 2011

Saving on energy bills this winter

In recent years it seems that every winter has just got colder than the last, and unfortunately heating bills are not dropping with the temperatures - so now is the time to think about what needs to be done to reduce them.

Here are five things to consider to get the bills down this winter:


Hopping ship might be a good way to save money on bills -  and there are many, many websites out there to help you do that. Just make sure you read the Ts&Cs. Your chosen energy company should be affordable even in a worst case scenario - fuel prices rising in the middle of a freezing cold winter - so don't buy the cheapest package unless your sure it gives you all the cover you need, and you wont be getting unexpected bills.


Heat one room instead of the whole house - lets face it, most winter evenings are spent in front of the TV or computer in the living room for many of us. Do you really need the heating turned up in the bedroom when you'll only need it warm for an hour as you get ready for bed in the evening? Can you handle making dinner in a chilly kitchen, when the cooker will probably warm you up in no time?


Insulation keeps the heat inside your house, meaning heat won't escape and you can save some cash on bills. You might also find you'll need your heating on for less time, as a blast for an hour could heat up the house for the whole night when it's not escaping out the walls and roof. The goverment are offering grants on insulation for many properties.

Get old fashioned

When you really need to reduce the bills, it's worth thinking about how your grandparents stayed warm in the cold winters, long before central heating was a basic requirement. Hot water bottles on the beds, extra quilts and thick blackout curtains can all help you stay warm without heating - and you wont be issued a monthly bill for the pleasure.

You can find more energy bill tips on CityWire Money.

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